MTG Wiki

Dameon Willich
General Information
Born -
Status Inactive: Alpha to Ice Age
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artist:"Dameon Willich"

Dameon Willich is one of the original 25 Magic: The Gathering artists. He is a Seattle-area artist who has been producing award-winning science-fiction and fantasy works for a number of years. His cover art has appeared on DAW,[1] Pioneer, and Warner Books, and he has worked on a number of comic books including James Bond, Avatar, and The Return of the Warlord. Founder of 'The Fantasy Alternative',[2] he also co-founded 'Northern Lights Artists Group'.

Dameon is also creator and director of the 'Seattle Knights'.[3] Actor, combat choreographer, costumer, historian, and avid horseman, he has worked in several films,[4] including The Postman, The Silent One and The Book of Zombie.

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