MTG Wiki

Conspiracy Draft
DCI Sanctioned
Paper {Cross}
Magic Online {Cross}
Magic Arena {Cross}
Type Limited (Draft)
Multiplayer {Tick}
Dedicated Products
Products Conspiracy
Conspiracy: Take the Crown

The Conspiracy Draft format was first introduced by its namesake booster set, Conspiracy, released June 6, 2014. The format is intended to be drafted and implements new mechanics to the drafting process, including Conspiracies. Additionally, Conspiracy games are intended to be multiplayer, with many new cards taking advantage of there being more than two players present.

Conspiracy Draft starts with a booster draft. Each player sits around the table in a random order with three booster packs. Packs are opened and cards are drafted into your card pool one at a time. Then, players break off into free-for-all multiplayer games. Seating for the games is also random. You can attack multiple opponents or opposing planeswalkers during combat. Everyone starts at 20 life, and it's total war until one player is left standing.

A Conspiracy draft works well with eight players, but may be played by any number of players. R&D recommends having no more than eight players per draft and then splitting up into games of three to five players.[1]


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