MTG Wiki

Richard Feldman is a Magic: The Gathering player and columnnist on Star City Games.

Columnist[ | ]

Richard Feldman has been writing for Star City Games since 2003. He became a frequent article contributor in 2005. In January 2007, he became a Premium writer with the Deep Analysis column.

Some of his notable ideas include the Glass Cannon theory and Fortress Theory.

Player[ | ]

Along with Zac Hill, Feldman nearly broke the 2007 Extended season with their Tenacious Tron deck. Tomoharu Saito made the Top 8 at GP Singapore 2007 with an updated version of the deck. The duo also came up with a version of Trinity Green in an attempt to beat the Hulk Flash and anti-Hulk dominated Legacy GP Columbus 2007 (aka "GP Hulk Flash").

Personal life[ | ]

Richard is currently a professional software engineer and frequent conference speaker about the Elm programming language. He resides in Philadelphia and is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.

External links[ | ]
