MTG Wiki

Rainbow Stairwell
DCI Sanctioned
Paper {Cross}
Magic Online {Cross}
Magic Arena {Cross}
Type Constructed
Multiplayer {Cross}
Add. rules see deck construction

Rainbow Stairwell is a constructed variant, similar to Highlander.

Deck construction[ | ]

  • A Rainbow Stairwell deck must be exactly 60 cards, six cards from each of the five colors as well as six artifacts or colorless cards.
  • Only one copy of each card in the deck, with the exception of basic lands.
  • You must have one each, for each color, of cards with converted mana cost one through six. That is, you must have a staircase of cards starting at one mana and moving up to six, for each color.
  • Multicolored cards are not allowed.

Example[ | ]

An example for the white part of the deck would be:

{W} : Righteousness
{1}{W} : Accorder Paladin
{2}{W} : Griffin Sentinel
{3}{W} : Foriysian Interceptor
{4}{W} : Burrenton Shield-Bearers
{5}{W} : Nacatl Hunt-Pride

External links[ | ]
