MTG Wiki

DCI Sanctioned
Paper {Cross}
Magic Online {Cross}
Magic Arena {Cross}
Type Constructed
Multiplayer {Cross}
For the Ulgrotha wizards, see Ancients.

Ancient is a casual constructed Magic: The Gathering format that only allows cards from the original border sets (Alpha through Onslaught).[1] In contrast to QL Magic, Ancient uses modern rules.

While the card pool is limited, it also allows players to use cards from Magic's past that might be deemed too weak by today's standards - creatures in particular.

Side note: a group of players in the Netherlands also play a format they call Ancient, which is completely different.[2]

References[ | ]

  1. Wizards of the Coast (August 11, 2008). "Casual Formats". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Information on it can be found at There you can find some pictures, the rules, and also information as to how the format compares to other eternal formats.